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안드로이드 AlertDialog 로 alert, confirm 구현 출처:http://shstarkr.tistory.com/144 메세지를 띄우고 [확인] 버튼만 적용할 경우 AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(MyActivity.this);alert.setPositiveButton("확인", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); //닫기 }});alert.setMessage("테스트 메세지");alert.show(); 메세지를 띄우고 [확인], [취소] 버튼으로 적용할 경우 AlertDialog.Builder alert_confi.. 2018. 11. 22.
안드로이드 MIUI 보안의 자동시작 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38995469/how-to-get-miui-security-app-auto-start-permission-programmatically thread #1 https://stackoverflow.com/a/40932178/1537413String xiaomi = "Xiaomi"; final String CALC_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.miui.securitycenter"; final String CALC_PACKAGE_ACITIVITY = "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity"; if (deviceManufacturer.equalsIgnoreCase(xiaomi.. 2018. 11. 22.
안드로이드 전화 수발신 이력 발생에 따른 옵저버 처리 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4422410/how-to-implement-a-contentobserver-for-call-logsHere is the answer. Dont forget to register the content observer with this method:registerContentObserver (Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendents, ContentObserver observer)And then you can create it like this.public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.getAppl.. 2018. 11. 22.
안드로이드 브로드캐스트리시버 제한 업데이트(Oreo 8.0) 출처:https://medium.com/@iiro.krankka/its-time-to-kiss-goodbye-to-your-implicit-broadcastreceivers-eefafd9f4f8a It’s time to kiss goodbye to your implicit BroadcastReceiversThis article was also posted on Codemate Blog.Android O Developer Preview is out! It’s time to start guessing what delicious dessert the letter O will stand for.Every Android developer should check the list of behavior changes .. 2018. 11. 22.